Oct - Dec
Participation in stars choire Christmas song recording
14 / 12 / 04
On December 14 at the SWH studio 18 famous Latvian rock & pop singers gathered together for a recording of the special Christmas song to support all the creative people in Latvia that are suffering from Multiple Sclerosis disease (MS). Simultaneously with the audio recording of the song, the video clip was shot.
For the first time the song was transmitted on Radio SWH on December 15 and the video clip was also shown on Latvian TV1 in a "Morning" program on December 16.
This project was released by Latvian Association of Producers and Entertainers together with Latvian Association of Multiple Sclerosis http://www.rehab.lv/lmpb/lmsa.htm).
Anyone can help with donating the money to this association's bank account: A/S Rietumu Banka, LV10RTMB0000068801518. Please mark this payment’s purpose  as “Ziemassvçtku zvaigţňu koris”.
More detailed info is available from Inese: +371-706-3090.
You can also donate 1 Lat simply calling to: 900 6283 or
when downloading the song as mp3 file from Apollo portal: www.apollo.lv/portal/articles/36203,

Pete Anderson – “Sentimental” (MicRec MRCD 238)
14 / 10 / 04
On October 14 the biggest Latvian recording company MicRec issued latest Pete Anderson’s CD called “Sentimental”.
According to music critics and reviewers as well as artist himself - it’s the best record the musician has ever created. This CD is quite unusual for Pete. Country and rock’n’roll music’s slow, sincere, ballad side is represented here. For many listeners it may even become a discovery. This beautiful music contains so much of positive energy, joy, slight irony, and at the same time lots of peace and warmth in it. You can listen to it while you drive a car, dance a slow dance with your lover person at home or in the club with a new thrilling partner.
Pete Anderson is a pure quality tested throughout the years and sure is a symbol for an uncompromising attitude towards his job. This case is no exception. Recording session has united top domestic rock’n’roll and country music musicians. 14 carefully selected famous and well-known songs from the Fifties are recorded here in brand new sounds. One of the best Pete’s own songs „Baby I’m Crazy ‘Bout You” is also included in this album.
Numerous excellent references from artist’s partners from USA, England and Sweden have already arrived.
Photos from tours, with fans, friends, musicians etc.
CD's recorded, mp3 samples
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